Treatment Plans

Positive patient outcomes.

Each Gamma Allergy treatment set is custom created at the direction of your treating Physician, ensuring that you are receiving the most effective medicine for your individual needs.

Sublingual Based Immunotherapy

via Drops

Sublingual classes of immunotherapy are administered directly by patients by delivering drops under the tongue in the convenience of their own home instead of going to a doctor’s office.  

There have been over 60 clinical trials proving the safety and efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy.  It has also been endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Allergy Organisation and the Cochrane Collaboration have endorsed sublingual immunotherapy as a viable alternative to injection immunotherapy.

Treatment should be taken every morning before eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. When starting treatment we suggest setting an alarm as a reminder to help develop the new routine. The treatment set comes in easy to use pump vials that labelled with your name and details. Simply pump the required number of drops under your tongue and the solution there for 2 minutes before swallowing.

Aqueous Based Immunotherapy

Via Subcutaneous Injections

Aqueous Based Immunotherapy, is delivered via subcutaneous injection and is the longest serving form of immunotherapy and has been used to treat allergies for a very long time and is  backed by decades of peer reviewed studies.

Aqueous based treatment sets are compounded and suspended in 50% glycerin which helps to stabilise the product against fluctuations in temperature.  Aqueous based vaccines have been utilised longer than any other form of vaccine.

Administered by a qualified healthcare professional, patients receive regular injections.  Injections are scheduled with your healthcare provider and delivered according to a dosage schedule, initially weekly and then progressing to monthly injections as the treatment progresses.

Following treatment your treating Physician will want to observe you for a period, usually 30 minutes, to ensure that you do not have an adverse reaction.


Aluminium Hydroxide Based Immunotherapy

Via Subcutaneous Injections

Aluminium Hydroxide Based Immunotherapy is also a subcutaneous class of immunotherapy, delivered via injection.  This type of immunotherapy goes through an additional step during manufacturing that adds aluminium hydroxide to the vaccine. This additional step has been shown to slow the release of antigens into the patients blood stream, decreasing the chances of adverse reaction.

Allerum is administered by subcutaneous injection by your treating Physician.  Injections are scheduled with your healthcare provider and delivered according to a dosage schedule. Following treatment your treating Physician will want to observe you for a period to ensure that you do not have an adverse reaction.

Initially you will receive weekly injections and then progressing to monthly injections as the treatment progresses and you begin to build resistance.

Looking to learn more about what an allergy is?